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Who can use pumba?

Currently the app aims to serve only the local residents, each user can only search for parking nearby home address.

Pumba app provides the driver with a comprehensive parking search experience, from the moment the driver is approaching home, until the driver finds an on-street parking spot. The app is based on hundreds of parking sensors deployed on residential apartments. The driver needs to click only one button and from this moment on – the sensors start working and search for available spots. 

The moment a spot becomes available, the app notifies the driver and provides navigating instructions. Even if a spot was caught by another random driver, the app will notify about that while providing an alternative parking spot.

These are the areas we are working in today, and we are growing!

Pumba can’t ensure a spot and can’t save it for the driver. Pumba makes sure to suggest only relevant spots – in a distance of 3-4 minutes of driving, which significantly improves the chances of catching it. The app accompanies the driver through the entire searching experience and if the spot is taken before one reaches it, the app will quickly notify the driver and suggest a different spot. Pumba provides the value of certainty and reduces frustration. There is no doubt whether turning left or right is the best option.

Pumba’s drivers are aware of the occupancy status of all surrounding parking spots.

Pumba uses high-end and reliable technology in a weather-resistant sealed case. The sensor is connected to the power supply with a tiny cable. The sensor is placed outside the apartment – on a balcony or a window by a cable tie. No drilling or screwing is needed!

Our sensor system is not dangerous at all, using only wifi and cellular communication which complies with global standards.

Pumba classifies the parking spot size. Pumba will inform only about parking spot sizes that fit your car.


You can quickly and easily change your email address through the app.

Click on the menu (3 stripes in the corner of the screen) >> personal details >> edit button >> update email >> save.

You can edit your home address quickly and easily through the app.

Click on the menu (3 stripes in the corner of the screen) >> personal information >> edit button >> update address >> save.

You can change the parking search radius around the house easily and quickly through the app.

Click on the menu (the 3 stripes in the corner of the screen) >> settings >> set the parking radius on the meter that appears at the top of the page.


You can enter the size of the vehicle in the app, but despite this, you will be presented with parking spaces of all sizes regardless of the size of your vehicle. We plan that later on any parking that appears in the app will be suitable for the size of the vehicle you have entered, but this may take some time.

Until then, when the app offers a parking address, you can see a GIF that displays the parking space itself by clicking on the address. It is recommended to use the GIF to check in advance whether the parking space matches the size of your vehicle or not.

When you click on the GIF, the image becomes bigger and thus you can better understand the size of the parking.

PUMBA’s sensor installers help neighborhood residents find nearby and convenient parking spaces quickly!

If you have a window or balcony that faces the parking spaces at the front of the street, you can install a parking sensor. Installation is simple and is carried out without drilling or screwing. We come to install whenever it suits you and we do not leave until you are satisfied with the installation.

In order to register to install a sensor in your home, click on the menu (3 stripes in the corner of the screen) >> order a parking sensor >> and click on “I want to join”.

PUMBA’s sensor installers help neighborhood residents find nearby and convenient parking spaces quickly!

Therefore, anyone who installs a parking sensor in an apartment can choose whether he wants to pay or not to use the PUMBA app.

In order to register to install a sensor in your home, click on the menu (3 stripes in the corner of the screen) >> order a parking sensor >> and click on “I want to join”.